Sunday, November 4, 2012


For the past few days, crazy Chef Weber has been calling my class his "angels". To the casual outsider, this might seem to be a term of endearment, as though Chef didn't want to throw knives at us on a daily basis. Perhaps tourists thought he enjoyed spending all day, every day with us, or that he is exceedingly religious. Maybe they thought he just really enjoys Charlie's Angels... Whatever they think, it's probably not that this new nickname originated a few days ago on Halloween, when Chef told us he thought the perfect costume for our class would be angels.

"Nobody woold eeever recognize you!"

This was the same lecture that he also informed us of his escape plan, should he ever be sent to jail.

I'm not sure why he decided he needed to let us know of his plans, maybe to reinforce our fear that no matter what, even if he gets sent to JAIL, we will never be free from him... I feel like a good time to mention this might have been last week on Day 1 when he professed his love for throwing knives at his students, but as I didn't feel like being the example of his throwing skills, I didn't say anything. 

The most concerning part of this rant was not actually that he had an escape plan, but that he has multiple!  I think he's actually concerned about being thrown in jail!  "Eef zat plan does not work, I ave Plan B. And zen Plan C. But Plan A is ze best." It usually is, that's why it's chosen as Plan A...

"But do not werry, my angels, I don't exxxpect you to elp me escape from jail. I do not rely on ze American monkeys..."