Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Gypsy

It's probably not the best idea to reject a gypsy... Especially in the voodoo town of New Orleans.  Which is perhaps why Courtney and I are now cursed.

On a pleasant stroll through the French Quarter yesterday, Courtney and I happened upon a gypsy man setting up shop outside the cathedral. 

"Let me read your palms ladies." he called.  I smiled and declined, saying we were in a slight hurry to meet up with our aunt, not wanting to aggravate the man who thought he had magical powers...  (Hopefully he couldn't read lies as well as palms, or else we might be in more trouble than we know.)  I didn't really feel like paying the guy 10 bucks to tell me my non-existant cat was about to get run over by a truck, or that in my next life I'm going to come back as a zebra. 

When he kept calling us over, Courtney rather abruptly barked "No!"  Courtney is a fairly calm person, the gypsy probably would have said she'd come back as a hippy. Which is why it was somewhat surprising to me to have her act so aggressively. Though I guess, when in New Orleans...

"Never say no to a gypsy dear...."  the gypsy quietly said with a mysteriously low voice that strangely enough reminded me of Sweeney Todd. 

"Ya know Courtney," I said as we walked away, "I think that was a curse threat."  We both laughed awkwardly, knowing that the gypsy man was probably a scam, but keeping in the back of our minds that we are in New Orleans... 

We then immediately went to the nearest Voodoo store, (which was terrifying in itself) and bought lucky rabbits feet. Better safe than sorry I guess.

Maybe it'll be fun to come back as a zebra...

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