Thursday, April 12, 2012

Crack is Wack

"Good morning, Preston brought ho's. Want one?"

It's always mildly concerning when you walk into work and the very first thing you hear is an offer to deal in illegal affairs. I didn't realize today was show and tell and I was supposed to bring something to present to everyone. Though, had I known, I think I probably would have picked something more appropriate for the work environment, like perhaps a potato peeler. I was kind of wishing that thought had occurred to Preston as well.

"Excuse me?"

"Preston brought ho's! They're over in that box."

Wait, what? They're contortionists now too?? I was starting to become mildly impressed with Preston's talent scouting abilities, until I noticed the box of donut holes sitting on the counter.  I have GOT to start understanding this accent...

After explaining my puzzled and mildly horrified expression to the bakeshop, a conversation was started about various forms of entertainment, both legal and not.  This promoted an extremely enthusiastic announcement from Beyonce...


She then went into a very articulate monologue about what exactly crack has done to the music industry, and especially to the rap genre in general. She declared that she thinks she should become a rapper, just so she can try to save rappers' tarnished reputations. She then started rapping(?) some song she just made up about peanut butter parfaits, which didn't actually fit into any Grammy acknowledged genre. I've decided to call it "Bayou Ghetto".

And the award goes to...

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