Friday, April 6, 2012

Bayou Baker

I am from Minnesota, going to culinary school in New York, and externing in Louisiana. To say I have a very confused accent is an understatement. I am living with my roommate Andre, my fishy Kyle, and my car Beauregard (Bo). I have apparently started a blog in order to #1, placate my mama, and #2, share the culture shock experiences of a yankee baker in the bayou. After finishing my second day of work, I have already come to the conclusion that I work with some very... interesting characters, my current favorite being MeeMaw. She's an old, large black lady, with a deep accent, eccentric tendencies, and bright purple eyeshadow. She is the real-life Mama Odie from The Princess and the Frog.
MeeMaw is grouchy and has the biggest "heeee-hawww" laugh you've ever heard. In addition, she has promptly taken me under her somewhat oversized wing. I don't think I've ever been called "babygirl" so frequently in such a short amount of time. "Oh you gunn do jus fine don hur babygur, ohhhhh yes." Thanks MeeMaw...

Living in New York, I've realized just how much people feel the need to shorten words, because apparently their lives are just too busy for two syllables. A common phrase at school was "Girl, that shit cray." Because apparently saying "crazy" just takes too much time. I was really surprised when my born-and-raised-in-Louisiana Chef, for who MeeMaw's glacial pace is lightening fast, threw out a "That's cray" today. That is, until I decoded his accent and realized he was actually responding to a question about some unknown shellfish in the freezer, saying "That's CRAW." Evidentially the only things southerners are speedy about is their crustaceans. 

I've just started bringing my MinneYorkan ways to the south, but am looking forward to spending my 18-week externship down here. It should be a great time, complete with some bizarre people, good food, and lotsa crazy memories, because honestly down here, That Shit Craw.

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