Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stalker and a Murderer

So when I was refused a library card yesterday because my ID says I'm from Minnesota, I was fairly annoyed. Surprisingly enough, I did not come all the way down to Louisiana just to steal the Calcasieu Parish Public Library's entire book collection. Clearly, I do actually live here. I didn't really think I was much of a threat to the people of Louisiana or their books. That is, until today....

I have become both a stalker and a murderer, and my key target is apparently MeeMaw.  

Multiple people have asked me for a picture of MeeMaw, and I have gladly obliged. I feel like a pretty good stalker, I don't think anybody noticed my super sneaky picture taking skills.... Except for maybe MeeMaw, who was looking straight at the camera.  But what does that matter?  That's where the murder part comes in. 

The Target: Mama Odie

I didn't mean to almost kill her. It's just nobody told me MeeMaw is diabetic and that she would probably ask for sugary things that could potentially kill her... You have to warn me when I'm babysitting! Of course I gave her some white chocolate mousse torte, because I am a GIVING PERSON! And a murderer, but that's besides the point. Clearly I'm not a very accomplished murderer however, because absolutely nothing happened to MeeMaw other than a tastebud blast. I don't think I'm cut out for the stalker/murderer business. I should probably just stick to stealing library books.

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